Articles by codes and standards

API Q1 y API Q2 en la mejora de la eficiencia operativa en la industrial Oil&Gas
codes and standards

API Q1 and API Q2 in the improvement of operational efficiency in the Oil & Gas Industry

The Oil & Gas industry is facing unique challenges, from market volatility to the need to comply with environmental and safety regulations. In this context, improving operational efficiency in the oil & gas industry is not just a competitive advantage, it is a necessity. The API Q1 and API Q2 standards are presented as fundamental tools, providing a solid framework for optimizing operations and ensuring quality in the industry.

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Integridad de tanques de almacenamiento bajo la normativa API 653
codes and standards

Integrity of storage tanks under API 653 standards

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodriguez, March 26, 2024.
Ensuring the integrity of these containers through the requirements of API 653 is essential for the continuity of operations, to maintain the supply and marketing chain and to avoid failures that generate accidents that affect the safety of personnel and the environment.

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El American Petroleum Institute (API) y su papel en la eficiencia energética
codes and standards

The American Petroleum Institute (API) and its role in energy efficiency

Author: Ing. Euclides Quiñonez, March 12, 2024.
Energy efficiency has become a global imperative in the fight against climate change and sustainable resource management. In this context, the American Petroleum Institute (API) contributes significantly to maximizing energy efficiency, exploring initiatives ranging from standards development and research to efficiency certification and energy policy collaboration.

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Directrices de AMPP en la gestión de la corrosión de Ios activos en la industria Oil & Gas
codes and standards

AMPP guidelines on corrosion management of assets in the Oil & Gas industry

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, 05 March 2024.
Corrosion is one of the main problems in the oil and gas industry because it can cause equipment and pipeline failures, loss of productivity and additional costs for repair and replacement of affected assets. AMPP in corrosion management plays an important role in the integrity of industrial assets.

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Beneficios operativos y de seguridad de una inspección integral API
codes and standards

Maximizing Performance: Operational and Security Benefits of a Comprehensive API Inspection

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, January 30, 2024.
The oil and gas industry, with its complexity and dynamism, demands robust practices to ensure safe and efficient operations. In this context, Comprehensive Inspections under the regulations of the American Petroleum Institute (API) represent a fundamental pillar for asset management and maintenance of industrial facilities.

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Impacto de la robótica en la metodología de inspección API RP 58
codes and standards

Impact of robotics on API RP 581 inspection methodology

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodríguez, January 24, 2024.
The integration of robotics into the API RP 581 inspection methodology has improved the way inspections are performed, providing a series of technological advances and improvements in safety, efficiency, coverage and the quality of inspection data, which has led to more accurate and reliable assessments of equipment integrity.

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