MingYang revolutionizes wind energy with its giant 216-meter blade: An engineering marvel!


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Inspenet, May 18, 2023

The Chinese company MingYang presented a new onshore wind blade with a record size, according to the company it is “the largest in the world” and can produce more than 6 MW.

MingYang, which is based in Inner Mongolia in China, in 2008 signed a contract for wind turbines that would produce 900 megawatts.

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1827 aspa eolica Mingyang interna 1

Discover the amazing features of the MingYang MySE216 onshore wind blade

The MingYang blade factory has managed to create a product of great importance, not only physically but also in terms of potential. Minyang points out that it is a lightweight and “highly reliable” fiberglass structure.

This terrestrial turbine blade, called MySE216, has a size between 107 and 108 meters, if we add the rotor, its wingspan reaches 216 meters, it is undoubtedly a great engineering work.

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In addition to its large size, it is impressive that it has a fiberglass design that is lightweight, yet reliable, and is compatible with 5 and 6 megawatt onshore wind models. In addition, it is also compatible with the MySE7.15-216 and MySE8.5-216 models, these have a high resistance to the ravages of nature, they are designed for the hottest and desert regions.

The factory has stated that this new product has great economic significance, as it represents a new element that will help them reduce the costs of using onshore wind power. In turn, they comment that it is a challenge to accelerate the transformation to renewable energies.

Source : https://www.diariomotor.com/energia-sostenibilidad/fabrican-la-pala-eolica-mas-grande-del-mundo-mide-mas-que-un-campo-de-futbol-y-puede- produce-more-than-6-mw/

Photo : Mingyang Smart Energy

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