Mining employment in Argentina breaks historical record in January 2023

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Inspenet, May 17, 2023

The Argentine mining sector continues to show strong performance, reaching a new high in terms of employment during January 2023. According to data provided by the Ministry of Mining , a total of 37,850 jobs were recorded, representing a growth of 7.9% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Fernanda Ávila, Secretary of Mining, highlighted the importance of mining as a generator of employment, especially in remote areas of the country. “It seeks to promote the development of the mining industry, prioritizing added value and job creation in local communities,” said the official.

One of the main drivers of this growth has been lithium mining, which saw a year-over-year increase of 68%. This industry has generated the creation of 1,492 new jobs, consolidating itself as the main generator of employment within the mining sector in Argentina.

1824 empleo minero Argentina shutterstock interna

25.7% increase in female employment: women play a key role in the expansion of the mining sector

The northwestern provinces of the country are especially benefited by this growth. Salta registered a 41.3% increase in mining employment, reaching 4,196 jobs. Jujuy, for its part, experienced an increase of 32.2%, reaching 3,306 mining jobs. In Catamarca, mining employment increased by 22.5%, reaching 2,205 jobs.

It is noteworthy that this growth has also been driven by the incorporation of women into the sector, with an increase of 25.7% in female employment, totaling 4,123 jobs.

Currently, the provinces of Salta, Catamarca and Jujuy have six lithium projects under construction, adding to the two projects that are in the production and capacity expansion phase. These investments not only generate employment, but also boost the economic development of the region and consolidate Argentina as a key player in the lithium mining industry worldwide.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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