Ecuador registers a new increase in super gasoline and reaches the highest price in its history


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By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, April 12, 2022

The cost of this fuel has been released in Ecuador since 2018 and each month the value is adjusted according to variations in the international oil market. There was a new increase in the price of super gasoline, 92 octane, which stood at $4.66 per gallon, the highest cost in its entire history.

This new price, which began to apply this Tuesday and will remain until May 11, means an increase of 0.68 cents compared to the previous month, when its cost was $3.98 per gallon.

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The cost of super gasoline, which is used mainly by sports or high-end vehicles that have a high compression engine, has been released in Ecuador since 2018, by a presidential decree of Lenín Moreno. Its price can vary between service stations, having at least $4.66 per gallon during this month.

Each month the value is adjusted according to the variations in the international oil market, so next May it could increase or decrease; however, in recent months it has only gone up.

On the other hand, the prices of diesel and extra and ecopaís gasoline (85 octane), the most used in Ecuador, have remained unchanged since October last year, when, due to complaints and protests from various sectors, the Government froze

The price per gallon of extra and ecopaís gasoline was $2.55 and that of diesel was $1.90.


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