USA presents its new unmanned underwater vehicle

By: Inspenet, November 15, 2022. Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), the largest US military shipbuilding company, unveiled its latest Unmanned Underwater Vehicle – or UUV, for its acronym in English – on Monday, called the Remus 620.
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By: Inspenet, November 15, 2022

Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), the largest US military shipbuilding company, unveiled its latest Unmanned Underwater Vehicle – or UUV, for its acronym in English – on Monday, called the Remus 620.

The model, which is the next in a series of UUVs originally developed by the US company Hydroid, before it was acquired by HII in 2020, features a special design intended to separate the main components of the system from those that the potential customer might want to modify for your own purposes.

The company explains that the size and operating capacity of the vehicle can be adapted based on the number of power sections that are installed. According to HII, the new UUV can operate for up to 110 hours or 275 nautical miles if its three power sections are used.

The Remus 620 also features two universal bulkhead adapters that allow the user to equip the vehicle with unique payloads not offered or manufactured by HII. Additionally, company-designed ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ development kits are designed to provide customers with the technical documentation needed to create their own novel adaptations.

Duane Fotheringham, president of unmanned systems at HII Mission Technologies, told Breaking Defense magazine that a number of accessibility changes have been made in the development of the new product, based on the experiences of customers who used previous Remus models, in aspects such as the location of certain ports and removable components.

“This vehicle was designed from the ground up to be UMAA compliant,” Fotheringham said, referring to the US Navy’s Unmanned Maritime Autonomy Architecture, which focuses on the technical operation of all unmanned systems. Navy crews. “It is a standard in continuous development, but we know its basis, so everything we have done has been built to be compatible with the UMAA,” he emphasized.

Source Actualidad RT in Spanish :

Photo : HII

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