Ecopetrol generated more than 30,000 jobs through contractor companies

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By: Inspenet, November 4, 2022

Ecopetrol generated 30,380 jobs through its allied contractor companies, between January and September of this year, with exclusive dedication to works and projects that it develops in Magdalena Medio, Colombia.

This figure is 6% higher than that registered in the same period in 2021 and according to the oil company, 100% of unskilled labor was hired locally, while 80% corresponded to people from the region.

The significant increase in the workforce is due to the increase in operations and investment plans by Ecopetrol, mainly in the segments of projects, works and engineering, maintenance, plant shutdowns and support services.

According to the company, 100% of unskilled labor was hired locally, while of the total skilled labor, 80% corresponded to people from the region.

In addition, 7,694 people with difficult labor insertion were linked, which means an increase of 13% compared to the same period in 2021. Of the jobs generated, 7,047 correspond to women, 66 to people with disabilities, 405 to first jobs, 55 to ethnic groups and 121 to victims of armed conflict. Ecopetrol, through its supply chain, indicates that it continues to implement the inclusive employment relationship policy in contracted activities.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

Source : KI5864963

Photo: ShutterStock

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