ADNOC oil company achieved a new world record with the longest offshore well in the world

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By: Inspenet, November 1, 2022

ADNOC, the national company of Abu Dhabi, announced that it has achieved a new world record for the longest oil and gas well, in its Upper Zakum concession. It is 15.24 kilometers long, which is 244 meters higher than the previous record set in 2017 on the Sakhalin-1 project in Russia.

The record is part of the firm’s efforts to increase low-carbon oil and gas production capacity to meet growing global energy demand. The oil and gas well is located on Umm Al Anbar, one of ADNOC Offshore’s four man-made islands, and was drilled by subsidiary ADNOC Drilling.

This novelty is part of an extended-reach well project designed and managed by ADNOC Offshore, in collaboration with its international Upper Zakum partners: ExxonMobil and Inpex/Jodco. Umm Al Anbar is located on this block and serves as a center for drilling and offshore operations.

With this project, extended-reach wells will tap into an untapped portion of the Upper Zakum block with the potential to increase the block’s production capacity by 15,000 barrels of oil per day. This can be done without the need to expand or build new infrastructure.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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