Sichuan University researchers develop a robot fish that could clean the oceans of microplastics


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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 26, 2022

Chinese scientists from Sichuan University in southwestern China say the robot fish they have developed are capable of “eating” microplastics, so they could help clean up pollution in the oceans.

Soft to the touch and measuring just 1.3 centimeters, these robots are already sucking up microplastics in shallow water, according to a study recently published by the American Chemical Society.

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The team hopes that they can collect microplastics in deeper waters and provide information to analyze marine pollution in real time, said Wang Yuyan, one of the researchers who developed the robot. It could also have other medical applications.

“We have developed a very light miniature robot. It can be used in many ways, for example, in biomedical or high-risk operations. Such a small robot can be placed in a part of your body to help eliminate some disease,” said the expert.

The black robot fish is irradiated by light, which helps it flap its fins and move its body. Scientists can control the fish by light to prevent it from colliding with other fish or ships.

If accidentally eaten by other fish, this little robot can be digested harmlessly because it is made of polyurethane, which is biocompatible, Wang added.

The fish is able to absorb contaminants and recover even when damaged. It can swim up to 2.76 meters per second, faster than most soft artificial robots.

This material from the ElMostrador portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo : Sichuan University

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