Gas and oil hand in hand with robotics

Yolanda Reyes.

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Author: Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, December 04, 2021.

As a strategic initiative, the global artificial intelligence specialist software company Cognite in alliance with Aker BP are using robots and drones in offshore oil industry activities.

According to the company Aker BP, the use of robotics in some oil activities is in the testing phase. Some of the tasks they are already using robots for are performance evaluation, automatic inspection, high-quality data capture and automatic report generation.

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Among the advantages that can now be inferred from the use of robotics in the oil field are: guaranteeing the inspection of areas in record time, including underwater areas, responding to leaks in jobs that even protect human safety, allowing the use of telematics in the online supervision of said procedures at sea.

Additionally, in the operations that have already started as a test, the Spot robot has been used, a quadruped designed by the company Boston Dynamics, managing to access installations that are very difficult even for traditional automation.

Revealing a bit, what can become the future in the future of the oil and gas industry, robotics has come to lend a hand.

Source: World Energy Trade

Photo: SatyaPrem on Pixabay

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