The Panama Canal will implement a green ship classification system to combat climate change.

Yolanda Reyes.

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By. Yolanda Reyes, Inspenet, December 3, 2021.

The logistics platform of the Panama Canal designed a tax system for ships emitting Greenhouse Gases (GHG), as a measure to expand its efforts to minimize the consequences of global warming.

The administrator of the Panama Canal, Ricaurte Vásquez, announced on Tuesday a green ship classification system, which will include a rate of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) missions, under the commitment of “the urgency of climate change” of the road. interoceanic.

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Vásquez pointed out, during AAPA Latino, a major port event, in Cartagena, Colombia, that the Panama Canal will facilitate “one more step in their efforts, in recognition of the urgency of climate change and the need to accelerate industry and climate action global,” the institution reported in a statement.

The changes will build on current Canal incentives for sustainable shipping lines, and the fee “will support investments to ensure environmental performance standards and help make Canal operations carbon neutral.”

The Panama Canal connects more than 140 maritime routes and 1,700 ports in 160 countries. 3.5% of world trade passes through this maritime space, according to official data. The interoceanic highway indicated its commitment to the climate emergency, and has several programs to consolidate its value and position itself as a green route for maritime trade, and thus ensure the sustainable use of the area’s natural resources.

Photo: Devon Chandler on Pixabay

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