Puma Exploration has reported extraordinary results from its inaugural surface exploration and sampling program at the McKenzie Gold Project in Quebec, Canada. Among the most significant finds was a quartz vein, known as the RIM Gold Vein , with values of up to 601.33 g/t gold over a 25-metre extension, supported by other high-grade samples that reached 251.61 g/t and 110.62 g/t gold.
Progress on the McKenzie gold project
In late 2023, Puma conducted a sampling program in an area located three kilometres south of this discovery, obtaining values of up to 362 g/t gold. These gold-bearing veins exhibit a remarkable similarity to the mineralizations of the Lynx Gold Zone at the Williams Brook project , recently associated with Kinross Gold Corporation . This discovery suggests the possibility of a second large gold system at the McKenzie Gold Project.
The project is strategically located just 7 kilometres from the Williams Brook Gold Project and is crossed by the McKenzie Fault, a geological structure that hosts numerous gold-bearing quartz veins, stockworks and breccias. Historically, over $1 million has been invested in geological studies, including airborne and geophysical surveys, as well as soil geochemical analysis, but the area has been sparsely drilled.
All analyses performed by Puma Exploration were carried out with strict quality control measures. Samples were processed at ALS Chemex , a certified laboratory, using advanced techniques such as the Au-ICP21 method and gravity analysis for contents greater than 10 g/t gold.
The Company is determined to continue implementing its profitable exploration strategy to maximize the discovery potential on this property and consolidate its position as a leader in gold exploration in the Québec region.
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Source and photos: Puma Exploration / Via Globenewswire