Kent secures contract to design UK offshore substation

Kent has proven to be an important partner in advancing renewable energy projects, such as this new challenge with Five Estuaries.
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El diseño de una subestación marina realizado por Kent

Kent company has been awarded a contract for the Five Estuaries project , led by renewable energy company RWE. The agreement involves the completion of the conceptual design of an offshore HVAC substation platform for this offshore wind farm located off the coast of Suffolk, UK.

The design of a marine substation

The Five Estuaries project is an extension of the Galloper wind farm , a project that has 56 turbines and generates energy for more than 444,000 British homes. As the UK moves towards its clean energy goals, this new wind farm will play an important role in the country’s energy transition, with the capacity to generate electricity for thousands of homes when it is fully operational in 2031.

Kent’s involvement will be essential to designing the infrastructure that will transmit the energy generated by the turbines to the grid. Key responsibilities include creating the conceptual design for the top of the substation and assessing the foundations for its support structure.

According to Cerianne Cummings, Kent ’s offshore wind director, the company is committed to supporting the continued growth of the UK wind sector . This contract strengthens Kent’s involvement in clean energy projects and its commitment to the UK Government’s goals to increase the use of offshore wind over the next decade.

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Source and photo: Ken t

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