Wivenhoe pumped storage hydroelectric power station breaks generation record in 2024

This record reflects the plant's highest performance since its inauguration in 1984.
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Central hidroeléctrica de bombeo Wivenhoe

The Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro Station , operated by CleanCo Queensland, has achieved a record output in the third quarter of 2024, generating 199 GWh of electricity – more than five times its historical average. This record comes at a crucial time for Queensland’s energy transition as it looks to achieve a clean energy future.

About Wivenhoe Hydroelectric Power Station

With two powerful Francis turbines of 285 MW each, Wivenhoe acts as a giant rechargeable battery . During the day, the power plant stores surplus solar energy and releases it during peak demand hours, helping to stabilise electricity prices and ensure a reliable supply.

Photo of Wivenhoe Hydroelectric Power Station
Wivenhoe has two powerful Francis turbines of 285 MW each. Source: CleanCo Queensland

This progress has been highlighted by Tom Metcalfe, CEO of CleanCo, who stressed the importance of continuing to invest in clean energy solutions. Metcalfe indicated that this feat not only supports the growth of renewable energy in Queensland, but also facilitates the decarbonisation of local businesses and communities.

With this performance, Wivenhoe reaffirms its role as a key component in Australia’s energy market, demonstrating the viability of pumped hydro in a net-zero future. Watch the video below to see just how important power generation is to the company.

YouTube video

CleanCo Queensland corporate video. Source: CleanCo Queensland

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Source and photos: CleanCo Queensland

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