Number of electric cars now exceeds gasoline cars in Norway

According to projections, electric vehicles could also overtake diesels by 2026.
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La cantidad de autos eléctricos ahora supera a los de gasolina en Noruega

Something historic has happened on the roads of Norway! For the first time, there are more electric cars than gasoline cars driving in the Nordic country. According to official figures from the Road Information Council (OFV), on September 16, 2024, there were 754,303 electric cars compared to 753,905 gasoline cars. This change marks a turning point in the transition to more sustainable mobility.

Electric cars dominate in Norway

This shift, which many considered impossible just a decade ago, demonstrates how quickly vehicle electrification is advancing in Norway. According to Øyvind Solberg Thorsen, Director of OFV, Norway is on track to become the first country in the world with a car fleet dominated by electric vehicles. electric vehicles.cs car fleet. However, Thorsen stresses that there is still a long way to go, as there are about one million diesel vehicles in circulation.

The boom in electric vehicles in Norway is largely attributed to new registrations and favorable tax policies. In addition, the temporary drop in enthusiast vehicles (special and older vehicles that only run during the summer) has also had a significant impact on the composition of the vehicle fleet.

Will diesel vehicles be taken off the road?

OFV projections indicate that the vehicle fleet could reach 3.1 million by 2030, up from 2.8 million today. However, this figure depends on various factors such as economic fluctuations, taxes and government policies. What does seem clear is that electric cars will continue to gain ground. According to Thorsen, by 2026, electric vehicles could also overtake diesel vehicles, confirming the total transformation of the Norwegian car fleet.

Gasoline-powered cars have suffered a significant drop in the last two decades, with one million fewer units in circulation. The same trend is now being observed for diesel vehicles. Although there are still around one million such vehicles in Norway, the number has declined by 285,000 since 2017.

The number of electric cars
Number of vehicles by fuel type. Source: OFV

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Source: OFV

Photo: shutterstock

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