Emovili FAST and Petroprix install 40 ultrafast recharging points in Spain

The charging points can charge two electric vehicles at the same time, reaching a maximum power of 240 kW.
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Puntos de recarga ultrarrápida

Emovili FAST has joined forces with the Petroprix Group to install 40 new ultra-fast charging points at Petroprix service stations in Spain. This initiative is part of emovili FAST’s ambitious plan to deploy 2,200 charging points throughout the country, thus facilitating the use of electric vehicles.

The investment, close to 4 million euros, will allow the installation of chargers with power ratings ranging from 120 kW to 240 kW. These chargers will also be able to offer simultaneous charging for two electric vehicles, which will speed up waiting times and improve the user experience.

Efficient recharging points throughout Spain

The recharging points will be strategically located at Petroprix stations throughout Spain. This agreement favors electric mobility on the main routes and becomes a solution for long-distance trips, guaranteeing fast and reliable recharging at each stop.

Likewise, emovili FAST will efficiently manage this recharging infrastructure through its own management platform, which will optimize operability and facilitate the user experience.

Statements by management

Francisco Casas, CEO of emovili, said: “Our commitment to a fast charging network is an investment in the future of mobility”. These words underline the company’s commitment to sustainability and the expansion of electric mobility.

emovili and Petroprix
Executives of emovili and Petroprix. Source: Emovili

For his part, Jaime Vega de Seoane Tornos, Business Development Director at Petroprixsaid: “At Petroprix we look to the future and the needs of all consumers”. This collaboration with emovili FAST demonstrates Petroprix’s vision to integrate the most advanced technology into its service offering, benefiting a growing community of electric vehicle users.

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Source and photos: Emovili

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