Huge sinkhole appears in Illinois soccer field after mine collapse

The mines in this region have been operating for decades, "without any similar incidents".

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Un enorme socavón tras colapso de mina

A massive sinkhole unexpectedly emerged on a soccer field in Illinois, causing the total collapse of a nearby limestone mine, according to media reports following footage of the campus and other witnesses to the unprecedented event.

The huge sinkhole after mine collapse

Local authorities reported that the sinkhole is approximately 30 meters in diameter and 9 meters deep. Fortunately, no injuries or casualties were reported, although they were forced to cancel all sporting events scheduled at the site.

This incident occurred in Gordon Moore Park in Alton, Illinois, where an underground mine is under construction. a subway mine operated by New Frontier Materials operated by New Frontier Materials. The site is located about 30 km north of St. George. Louis, Missouri. The construction materials company confirmed that the mine had suffered a “surface subsidence”, which caused the sinkhole to form. He also informed that an investigation is being carried out to determine the exact causes of the collapse.

Marquette Catholic High School athletic director Brian Hoener expressed that the incident could have been much worse, noting that their summer camp had been held at the same location about a week earlier. On the other hand, Michael Hayes, director of the Alton Parks and Recreation Department, described the sinkhole as “surreal,” comparing it to a movie scene.

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A huge sinkhole swallows part of a soccer field in Illinois. Source: CTVNews

Mines in this region have been operational for decades, “without any similar incidents,” leading Hayes to call the event an anomaly. The community is awaiting the results of the investigation to better understand what caused this unusual phenomenon.

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Source and photo: CTVNews

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