Iberdrola approves its third offshore wind farm in Germany

The Windanker project will come on line in 2026, and will be equipped with 21 offshore wind turbines.

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Iberdrola has approved the final investment for its Windanker offshore wind farm, located in the German Baltic Sea, pushing a 315 MW project into the execution phase. This new farm will strengthen the company’s Baltic Hub, which will reach more than 1,100 MW of installed capacity in offshore wind energy.

The third Windanker offshore wind farm

The Windanker project will come on line in 2026, and will be equipped with 21 Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbines, each with a capacity of 15 MW. All this, under an investment valued at US$1.06 billion. In addition, the project will generate more than 1,200 jobs in the construction industry and will involve 130 suppliers from 22 different countries.

Iberdrola has announced that fabrication work will begin in July 2024. The project’s supply chain is secured, with binding orders placed for most of the key components, ensuring a smooth implementation.

The Dutch company Van Oord has been selected for the transport and installation of 21 XL monopiles and transition pieces, as well as the design, supply and installation of the cable network between assemblies for the project. On the other hand, Havfram will be in charge of manufacturing the offshore wind turbines, while Windar Renovables will be responsible for other necessary transition elements.

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Source and photo: Havfram

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