EQUIPCON: What We’ve Been Up To

The company has added a new employee named Mike Sadler, who is embarking on a new career in the NDT industry.
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EQUIPCON new employee

Textual note taken from EQUIPCON on June 21, 2024

Equipcon Group LLC is pleased to announce that our Mexico division has been actively working on expanding the reach of our ZChem NDT consumables within the Mexican oil industry. Luis Cruz, who leads Equipcon Group LLC in the Central and South American region, has been demonstrating the benefits of these materials to various companies by providing and testing samples.

All of the companies that have tested our ZChem liquid penetrant and magnetic particle inspection consumables have held them in high regard. Recently, a Mexican company that tested our products praised them, stating that our products are “very good and the cost-benefit ratio is very reasonable.” We are thrilled by this positive feedback and look forward to introducing our consumables to more companies.

Meanwhile, in the United States, Equipcon Group LLC received in-depth training from one of their exclusive business partners, The Modal Shop Inc., on their Non-Destructive Testing Systems that utilize the Resonant Acoustic Method. During this training, we learned more about the technology, the types of parts ideally suited for this method, and its main industry applications.

Additionally, our exclusive partner Nordinkraft, based in Remchingen, Germany, is preparing to ship their Rider-NK-300 system to a customer in the United States as of June 18th. This robust manual trolley system is designed for the ultrasonic inspection of plates and slabs. It is equipped with phased array probes for the detection of laminations and angle beam probes for the detection of cracks using shear waves and has provisions for Hard Spot inspection using Nordinkraft’s patented PEC design.

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Lastly, Equipcon Group LLC is excited to introduce a new employee as of May 1st. Mike Sadler, our Southeast regional manager, is based in Palm Bay, Florida. Having retired from his role as a police sergeant, Mike is now embarking on a new career in the NDT industry. He is eager to learn and has been undergoing extensive training over the past few months. With his decades of investigative and detective work, he is adapting quickly to the world of NDT. We all welcome Mike to the family!

In June, Mike Sadler and Equipcon Group LLC President Jeff Monks traveled throughout central Florida to visit various NDT companies and introduce Mike to the industry. We are very happy with the warm welcome he has received so far and look forward to meeting more faces of NDT in the Sunshine State!

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Source: Equipcon

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