Sweden inaugurated its largest battery energy storage project

This solution provides essential ancillary services to stabilize Landskrona Energi's network.

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El mayor proyecto de almacenamiento de energía

Sweden celebrated a few days ago the start-up of Elektra, its battery energy storage project. This development, located in Landskrona, in the south of the country, will provide essential ancillary services to stabilize Landskrona Energi’s grid.

The Elektra project, with a capacity of 20 MW / 20 MWh, was developed by RES in collaboration with SCR, who were also responsible for construction management. In 2023, the project was acquired by the Axp Group.

Elektra, the largest energy storage project

Emelie Glave, RES project manager, expressed her satisfaction with the completion of Elektra, highlighting the speed and efficiency of the process from development to commissioning. Glave underlined the importance of this project both for Landskrona and for the Swedish power grid as a whole, mentioning that it contributes to reducing vulnerability to power outages.

Fredrik Åkerman, RES project developer, highlighted that this is the first battery project completed by RES in the Nordic countries. Åkerman noted that the organization’s global expertise and internal knowledge sharing have been important in developing large-scale storage projects where they are most needed.

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Large-scale battery storage in Sweden. Source: Axpo

RES will now assume asset management and operation and maintenance services for the project. These services include planned and corrective maintenance, 24/7 monitoring and escalation, and ancillary services management. The RESolve storage dispatch and control system will be used to optimize battery operation, thus maximizing the return on investment.

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Source and photo: RES

Photo: Axpo

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