FPSO Maria Quitéria to start oil and gas production in Brazil this year

The Maria Quitéria FPSO is equipped with decarbonization technologies, including a combined cycle power generation system and FGRU.
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Producción de petróleo y gas

Petrobras has reported that the FPSO Maria Quitéria is en route to its final location offshore Brazil. The platform departed China in May and is anticipated to arrive in the third quarter of this year.

In line with the progress of the schedule, oil and gas production from the FPSO will start in the fourth quarter of this year. This is ahead of the 24-28 Strategic Plan, which initially foresaw the start of operations in 2025.

FPSO Maria Quitéria boosts oil and gas production in Brazil

Located in the Jubarte field, in the pre-salt layer of the Campos basin off the coast of Espírito Santo, the FPSO has a production capacity of 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) and can process up to 5 million cubic meters per day (MMcmgd) of gas per day (MMcmgd). can process up to 5 million cubic meters of gas per day (MMcmgd). .

The production projections of the Strategic Plan, with a permitted margin of variation, remain unchanged.

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The FPSO Maria Quitéria is a floating floating production, storage and offloading unit, equipped equipped with advanced decarbonization technologies. Features include a combined cycle power generation system and a flue gas recovery system (FGRU).

This unit was contracted by Petrobras to the company Yinson, also responsible for its construction.

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Source: worldoil

Photo: Petrobras

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