Low-energy wastewater treatment system developed

The project has received an Innovadores grant of 84,000 euros from the Generalitat de Catalunya to bring this technology to market.
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Crean sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales de bajo consumo

In view of the growing need for wastewater treatmentresearchers at the University of Barcelona (UB) have developed a novel decontamination system based on the electrosynthesis of strong oxidants that stands out for its greater capacity and lower energy consumption compared to other advanced water treatment systems.

The project led by Dr. Ignacio Sirés, professor of the Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UB, has been supported with an Innovadores grant of 84,000 euros from the Generalitat de Catalunya to commercialize this technological solution.

How does this wastewater treatment system work?

In technical terms, the new technology allows the continuous removal of organic and pathogenic micropollutants from wastewater through an advanced oxidation process that produces and activates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This chemical disinfectant, known for its multiple applications, generates highly oxidizing but environmentally benign oxygenated species, resulting in an effective treatment of these contaminants. effective treatment of these contaminants. .

In addition, the researchers have designed and patented an electrochemical reactor for the in situ production of H2O2 and its immediate use, overcoming the obstacles associated with industrial synthesis, such as the use of solvents and the hazardous nature of its transport, storage and handling. This electrochemical method reduces costs in the value chain by not depending on market fluctuations and has an innovative design that increases treatment capacity and reduces energy consumption compared to other reactors.

The project has been awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya in the modality of “Innovative Aids for projects of valorization and transfer of knowledge developed by innovators in stays in entities of the research and innovation system of Catalonia”.

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Source and photo: lavanguardia

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