Strategic Marine delivers new generation of hybrid vessels in Thailand

Joshua Falcon, March 22, 2024. These two modern vessels, both 42 meters in length, feature business class seating for 70 people, ensuring a comfortable voyage for the crew in future functions. It also improves efficiency thanks to its hybrid propulsion system.
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Strategic Marines y su gran generación de embarcaciones híbridas

Strategic Marine recently completed and delivered new generation Gen 4 series hybrid crew boats to Truth Maritime Services, based in Thailand.

These two modern vessels, both 42 meters in length, feature business class seating for 70 people, ensuring a comfortable voyage for the crew in future functions. It also improves efficiency thanks to its hybrid propulsion system.

Truth Marine Services obtains large generation of hybrid vessels

In close collaboration with Southerly DesignStrategic Marine, a distinguished Australian marine design firm, has achieved an innovative vessel design, from hull and Z-bow optimizations that enhance their performance at sea, while reducing the need for power consumption to maintain speeds and load-carrying capabilities.

This translates into minimal greenhouse gas emission levels, as an energy saving solution developed by Strategic Marine in collaboration with its client. This hybrid solution takes advantage of an energy storage system that collects and reuses as well as redirects the energy produced by the main engines. main engines for different onboard functions.

The agreements for the construction of these two hybrid vessels were signed in 2023, and their delivery is a landmark event for the TMS fleet, which provides key services in the oil exploration and production sector in Southeast Asia. In the following video, we can see the official tour of one of the hybrid boats.

Una de las embarcaciones híbridas entregada a Truth Maritime Services. Fuente:  Prima Marine Public Company Limited

Una de las embarcaciones híbridas entregada a Truth Maritime Services. Fuente: Prima Marine Public Company Limited

The celebration of the delivery of these hybrid vessels has been well received, as expressed by Khun Bowon Vongsinudom, president of Prima Marine Group, who expresses his confidence that these vessels will meet the expectations of their customers. The CEO of Strategic Marine Chan Eng Yew, was also enthusiastic about the introduction of these Gen 4 vessels to the Thai market.

The Gen 4 vessels demonstrate an optimized cabin design that allows the transport of up to 100 workers. They are also designed to adapt to work access systems using a motion-compensated walkway. This innovation is complemented by a gyro-stabilizer to ensure safe and stable transfers, even under adverse weather conditions, improving the standard of personnel transport by sea.

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Source: Strategy Marine

Photo: Prima Marine Public Company Limited

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