Eni receives recognition from the UN for reducing methane emissions

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Reconocimiento a Eni por reduccion de emisiones de metano

Inspenet, December 6, 2023.

Eni announced the obtaining of the Gold Standard within the framework of the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) program, according to the report published by the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). ).

This UN recognition is based on Eni’s positive evaluation for its significantly improved implementation plan for reporting methane emissions , in line with the OGMP 2.0 recommendations. The awarding of this United Nations award highlights the effectiveness of the company’s decarbonization strategy, especially with regard to reducing methane emissions, an issue that has gained relevance in the international climate debate.

Eni and its commitment to reducing methane emissions

Eni reaffirms that the intensity of methane emissions in its Upstream operations remains below 0.2%, in line with the goal set by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) of “well below 0.2%” by 2025 . The company has already achieved this goal and continues to work on reducing fugitive emissions, as well as on projects aimed at reducing methane through venting and flaring measures. In 2022, this index stood at 0.08%.

It should be noted that the company managed to reduce methane emissions by more than 50% in 2022 compared to 2018, mainly thanks to the implementation of LDAR (leak detection and repair) programs in almost all of the assets operated. by the company. Additionally, he played a key role in the launch of the “Aiming for Zero Methane Emissions” initiative in collaboration with the OGCI, an initiative that currently has the participation of more than 90 member companies.

emisiones de metano 2 1
Eni managed to reduce methane emissions by more than 50% in 2022

With the aim of increasing transparency in the communication of methane emissions, Eni is implementing a measurement plan at its operational sites using cutting-edge technologies available on the market, following the international guidelines established in the OGMP 2.0 program. This approach not only seeks to improve reporting accuracy, but will also provide the company with the basis for setting new emissions reduction targets in 2024.

Eni’s dedication to reducing methane emissions forms an integral part of the company’s decarbonization strategy for its operations. This strategy encompasses the gradual reduction of emissions from routine flaring, as well as continued investments in energy efficiency. The ultimate goal is to achieve Net Zero Scope 1+2 emissions for the upstream business by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality for all of Eni by 2035.

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Source: oilandgasmagazine.com.mx

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