They will store CO2 from a Dutch plant at the bottom of the sea in Norway

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, November 23, 2023.

New CO2 capture project

Yara , the fertilizer manufacturer, announced on Monday the signing of a binding agreement to carry out the capture of CO 2 emissions at its ammonia plant in the Netherlands and its subsequent transfer to the North Sea in Norway for storage in the deep sea.

According to the Norwegian company, this carbon capture and storage (CCS) project aims to reduce annual CO 2 emissions by 800,000 tons over a period of 15 years.

Previsto para comenzar en 2025, se convertirá en la primera instancia en la que las emisiones de CO2 de una nación serán transportadas a través de fronteras para su almacenamiento en otro país. La etapa de transporte y almacenamiento será llevada a cabo por Northern Lights, una empresa propiedad de Equinor, TotalEnergies y Shell, desde la planta de Sluiskil hasta su depósito permanente en la plataforma continental de Noruega, situada a 2.6 kilómetros bajo el lecho marino.

This is a milestone for the decarbonization of an industry that is difficult to reduce in Europe and for Yara it is an important step towards the decarbonization of our ammonia production, our product lines and the food value chain in general“said Yara CEO Svein Tore Holsether.

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