Keys to a Green Future in the Maritime Industry || Filipe Santana

Filipe Santana, a distinguished expert from the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), delves into the green future of the maritime industry on Tech Talking. He emphasizes the significance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability for a greener tomorrow.
SLOM 2023

Inspenet TV, through its Tech Talking segment, presents an interview with Filipe Santana, a distinguished Engineering Consultant from the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). In the conversation, Santana explores the trends and challenges facing the maritime industry, highlighting the importance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability for a greener future.

Santana, leader of the engineering area at OCIMF, shares valuable insights into the evolution of practices and technical knowledge in the sector. He emphasizes the importance of the 19th SLOM Conference as a platform for the exchange of best practices and learning among professionals.

Green Future in the Maritime Industry

The OCIMF Work Plan is also discussed in the interview. Santana details the organization’s initiatives focused on decarbonization, interaction with the IMO, and efforts in engineering, inspection, and maintenance of docks. The focus on barge safety, energy transition, and asset reuse is highlighted.

maritime industry
OCIMF expert Filipe Santana analyzes the green future of the maritime industry on tech talking

The collaboration with ISO in the design of loading arms for hydrogen transfer illustrates OCIMF’s innovative approach. The importance of standardization and safety in the handling of alternative fuels is emphasized.

Santana also analyzes the IMO’s decarbonization strategy, with the goal of achieving zero emissions by 2050. Industry players are encouraged to explore the emerging business opportunities in this area.

The interview concludes with Santana’s impressions of the 19th SLOM Conference, highlighting the technical quality of the professionals and the diversity of topics covered. His final message to the maritime community is to foster information sharing and continuous improvement for a safe and environmentally friendly industry.

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