Interview – Zehbour Panossian || #AMPP2023


For Dr. Zehbour Panossian, the AMPP 2023 Conference will be a great event and a success. She looks forward to attending the dissertations concerning innovations in non-intrusive corrosion.

“I want to see the dissertations and equipment for corrosion monitoring mainly online, non-intrusive, because that is what we need, to do the control properly without going inside the tanks, using the new technologies that are at our service to do online monitoring. That’s what I want to see more of here at the conference,” Panossian explained.

Dr. Zehbour Panossian is Director of the Brazilian Corrosion Association (ABRACO – Associação Brasileira de Corrosão), and a researcher for more than 40 years at the Institute of Technological Research (IPT – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas) of the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

It was an honor to share with Dr. Zehbour Panossian, we wish you much success!

Keep an eye out for the AMPP annual Conference at

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