The Ocean Corp: Leading Inspections with Cutting-Edge NDT Drones

From Houston, Texas during the ASNT 2023 annual conference, Richard Blaser from Inspenet had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin Stanley, instructor at The Ocean Corporation, fascinating background in teaching non-destructive inspection (NDT) techniques and the innovative use of drones for industrial applications.
conferencia anual asnt 2023 con inspenet

From Houston, Texas during the ASNT 2023 annual conference, Richard Blaser from Inspenet had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin Stanley, instructor at The Ocean Corporation, fascinating background in teaching non-destructive inspection (NDT) techniques and the innovative use of drones for industrial applications.

From the Deep Sea to the Sky

Originally focused on diving, The Ocean Corporation expanded its expertise into the NDT field, integrating disciplines such as RT (Radiographic Testing), MT (Magnetic Particle Testing), PT (Penetrant Testing) and VT (Visual Testing). Kevin, at the forefront of this growth, also leads the drone department, not only for inspections but also as part of an independent business initiative.

The Drone Era of Safety Inspections

Kevin and The Ocean Corporation are educating tomorrow’s professionals, not only in the fundamentals of NDT but also in the use of drones for safety inspections, covering regulations and preparation for certifications such as Part 107, crucial for commercial drone operations in the US.

The Compact Drone Advantage at NDT

At ASNT, The Ocean Corporation stood out for presenting compact and practical drones, contrasting with the larger units seen at the event. Kevin told us about the 3DR, which he uses for pipe thickness measurements, and highlighted his modified DJI drones for their stability and durability for visual inspections, both external and internal.

The Favorite: Air Drone for Training and Inspections

The Air drone, although an older model, takes the crown as Kevin’s favorite for its speed and ability to avoid obstacles, making it an ideal tool for training and for complex visual inspections such as in distillation towers.

Looking to the Future: Innovation at ASNT

When asked about the highlights of ASNT and his hopes for the future, Kevin mentioned his interest in seeing more of the robotic logging and a wider variety of commercial drones at the upcoming conference, reflecting his constant desire for innovation and improvement in the field of NDT and drone inspection.

Kevin Stanley, Instructor - The Ocean Corporation

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